Friday, January 21, 2011

We're having a ball!

Play date at our house today. Squish had some pent up energy as a result of a lazy/sickish day yesterday, and we were informed that Wibef had doughnuts for breakfast and would have lots of extra energy as well.  I thought this a good time to raid the "present stash" that I keep in the attic and bring out this HUGE inflatable toy story ball, it's kind of like those plastic balls that hamsters run around the house in.

It was a hit........

 It even brought peace between the brothers.......

And then things got a little frisky.....

A good time was had by all. I think we'll keep it out for a few days.


HereWeGoAJen said...

And how can you look at that last picture and not think that Wibef loves them both?

Courtney said...

I know she does:)

AmyOHIO said...

Got to you via HereWeGoAJen. I'm not a blogger, not an every day reader (Mom of 2.5 yr old...where does the time go?) and even worse commenter, but wanted you to know that I am indeed out here, reading and enjoying. Thanks, Courtney. Happy Day.

Courtney said...

Thanks Amy! And I'm with you, I'm not terribly dedicated (2.5 yr old and 10 month old!) But I do Follow Jen and D. Glad to have you aboard!