Friday, July 15, 2011

Still here

So I am alive. I have been packing non-stop for days. Our house is getting so empty! We are all sleeping on air mattresses except for out Bear who still has his luxurious crib. No furniture in the living room, either. Bean bag chairs and couch cushions for our little tushies to rest on. I'm writing this in the floor because my desk is in storage. But all of that is ok because WE GOT OUR HOUSE!!!! Found out yesterday, God's timing was LONG but perfect and since it was so long the bank wanted a new appraisal that came in lower than the original and knocked 15k off of the price we last offered. WOO HOO!!! Well....back to packing. Hopefully I will be back with a more interesting post soon

1 comment:

HereWeGoAJen said...

I recently decided that I am too old to sleep on air mattresses any longer. No floors, no couches, I am going to be spoiled from here on out. ;) (Now that I have said that, it is only a matter of time before I have to sleep on the floor.)