Sunday, October 9, 2011

This post is not about Wibef

This morning Squish was talking to me about husbands and wives. He told me "I wish I would have a wife." I told him that I hoped he would one day and asked him who he thinks might be a good wife. He told me the name of a girl he went to preschool with when we were still down south. He also has a little girlfriend here with the same name so I asked him which one he was talking about. He said he was talking about the one from his school. I reminded him about the other little girl and he said "Yes...but she doesn't really look pretty."

And so it begins....


HereWeGoAJen said...

Well, it would solve the pretty problem if he would just marry Wibef.

Danifred said...

Uh oh. Wibef is going to be pissed.